Sl. No. |
Name of Gardens with Postal Address |
Area under Tea in Hectares |
Name of Member Representatives with Address |
M/S. CHAPOR T.E. P.O. Chapor-783 371, Goalpara, Assam |
The Mg. Director, M/S. Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd., 2-B B.D. Bag East, Kolkota - 1 |
Shri Samarendra Nath Basu, Mg. Director, M/S. Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd., 2-B. B.D. Bag East, Kolkota - 1 |
Shri T.R. Tripati, Acting Principal Officer, M/S. Dooars Assam Union Tea Co. Ltd., 2-B. B.D. Bag East, Kolkota - 1 |